Design, Supervison, Construction ManagementClick Here
We are not just a company,
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Specialized in Engineering ConsultantClick Here
As a consulting company, PT. Wahana Krida Konsulindo has the ability and competency in doing Detail Engineering Design (DED) or Front End Engineering Design (FEED). DED/FEED that we can do in the sectors of Water Resources Engineering, Coastal and Port Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical and Geology Engineering, Structural Engineering, Oil and Gas or Industrial Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering and Architectural.
As well as the in doing the Detail Engineering Design (DED) or Front End Engineering Design (FEED), PT. Wahana Krida Konsulindo is able to do the Construction Supervision also. We can do the Construction Supervision in the sectors of Water Resources Engineering, Coastal and Port Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical and Geology Engineering, Structural Engineering, Oil and Gas/Industrial Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering and Architectural.
A good project is not only came from a good design but also from how to manage the project during the construction. We can help you in giving the advise/consultancy or we do it for you.
To have a good design, we should have a good data for the design. With the equipment we have, we can give you the data for the design, we can even give you a specific condition of your assets.
PT. Wahana Krida Konsulindo (WKK) is started in the year of 1991, in Malang East Java, and in the middle 2009 had been acquired by Graha Citra Anugerah Lestari Group and since then WKK under a new management and we move our headquarter to Lippo Karawaci – Banten. In the beginning, WKK was set up to facilitate the implementation of engineering science from either private or state own university based in East Java region. Under a new management, WKK has been developing and setting up performance as a professional Engineering Consultant services and we are now a fast growing national consultant company.
We are looking for a potential quality person, then transform this person to be a rich competences person to support company’s performance in the future.